What's The Deal With Full Spectrum?
by Alexandra Mamalider on Jun 07, 2019
You may have noticed that we carry quite the variety of powders, some of these falling under the ‘full spectrum’ category. You might be wondering what it means for something to be full spectrum and how it differs from regular powders - let’s explain.
First of all, what does ‘full spectrum’ mean?
In the most literal sense of the term, full spectrum means to ‘show a complete range of typical or possible elements. It’s comprehensive’.
When it comes to our full spectrum powders, this essentially means that they offer the full array of phytonutrients found in the plant. So does this mean that our regular turmeric or ashwagandha powder, for example, don’t offer a full array of phytonutrients? Absolutely not! Our turmeric and ashwagandha root powders offer the full range of phytonutrients found in each of these plants - the difference lies in the concentration.
Our full spectrum powders are concentrated dual extracts, meaning that they have undergone a different process of extraction compared to some of our other whole root and herb powders.

The Dual Extraction Process:
When it comes to all of our full spectrum extracts, we use a proprietary full spectrum process that gently extracts the full array of phytonutrients. We do this through a combination of supercritical and hydro-ethanolic extraction processes (aka: dual extract). What you’re then left with is a complete signature of the herb or root in its most potent and pure form! We’ve ensured that this process does NOT include any harsh chemicals, solvents or high heat in order to guarantee that we maintain the most optimal stability and the complete profile of the protective benefits of these plants are preserved - just as nature intended.
Full Spectrum Ashwagandha: ¼ tsp = 20g of fresh ashwagandha
Full Spectrum Ginger: ¼ tsp = 40g of fresh ginger
Full Spectrum Turmeric: ¼ tsp = 88g of fresh turmeric
Full Spectrum Cinnamon: ¼ tsp = 14g of fresh cinnamon
Full Spectrum Amla Berry: ¼ tsp = 19g of fresh amla berry
Full Spectrum Holy Basil: ¼ tsp = 71g of fresh holy basil
This difference in concentration means that you’re using significantly less of the full spectrum powder than you would a whole root powder.
The Differences:
Full Spectrum VS Whole Plant Powders: Uses
Two of the main differences between our full spectrum powders and our whole plant powders are their uses and the serving sizes.
Serving Sizes: A little goes a long way!
Our full spectrum powders are concentrates therefore the amount that you would use in a recipe varies drastically from the amount of whole food powder you would traditionally use. For example, in a recipe that calls for 1 teaspoon of turmeric, you would instead use anywhere between ⅛ to ¼ of our full spectrum turmeric powder. The same goes for our entire range of full spectrum powder. Our full extract cinnamon, made from ‘true’ cinnamon aka cinnamomum zeylanicum aka ceylon cinnamon, is very fragrant in aroma with a much stronger and sweeter taste than generic cinnamon. When using it in place of generic cinnamon aka cassia cinnamon, you would use significantly less - anywhere between ⅛ to ¼ of a tsp!
Uses: A nutrient booster vs a flavor booster
If you are familiar with our full spectrum powders, you might be aware that they were formally called ‘dual extract full spectrum smoothies boosters’ (we know, it was a mouthful). The reason we called them smoothie boosters was because this is where we suggest you use them - to enhance your smoothies, elixirs, juices and other beverages.
Therapeutic vs Culinary
Our Full Spectrum extracts are essentially supplements as they are 10x more concentrated than their powdered counterparts. Our full spectrum extracts can be compared to what you would find inside of a turmeric or ashwagandha capsule and should not be used for culinary purposes. If you’re looking to reap the therapeutic benefits of amla berry, turmeric, ginger and ashwagandha - we recommend our full spectrum extracts. Our full spectrum extracts have also undergone a dual extraction process during which we’ve avoided putting them under high heat - therefore we wouldn’t recommend using them for culinary purposes or putting them under high heat in order to ensure that their nutritional integrity remains intact! Warm water or milk is definitely okay - but try and avoid cooking or baking with them.

Not sure where to begin with your full spectrum powders? Try these recipes!
Full Spectrum Cinnamon:
1 C water
½ of a frozen banana
½ cup frozen raspberries
2 tbsp cacao powder
1 handful spinach
¼ tsp full spectrum cinnamon
Full Spectrum Ginger:
½ cup ice
2 cups kale
½ cup frozen mango
½ cup frozen peach
1 lemon
1 cup water or coconut water
¼ tsp full spectrum ginger
1 tsp yacon syrup
Full Spectrum Amla Berry Powder:
1 cup frozen pineapple
½ cup coconut milk
½ cup coconut water
¼ cup steamed and frozen cauliflower
¼ tsp full spectrum amla
Handful of ice cubes
Are you ready to start harnessing the therapeutic benefits of our Full Spectrum supplements? Check out our Essential Concentrates Bundle & our Herbal Concentrates Bundle! Up to 30% in savings!